WWE NXT Results (21st Oct. 2020) – New tag Champs, Kushida surprises

Photo Credit: WWE
Timothy Thatcher is in the ring for a live edition of Thatch-as-Thatch-can. Thatcher gets the name of his student wrong as he locks in him in a cravat. “Alex” (Andrew) taps out immediately. Thatcher tells Alex to show some aggression. Alex tries to go for Thatcher’s leg. Thatcher rolls Alex into a double wrist lock. Alex taps but Thatcher doesn’t release the hold. Thatcher wrenches all the way back and almost breaks Alex’s arm. Thatcher eventually let’s go. Alex gets upset. Thatcher says Alex will never be able to take his leg. Alex does and locks in a front face lock. Thatcher asks for a referee. Before the referee rings, the bell Thatcher punches Alex in the face. Thatcher puts Alex in a nasty single leg crab. Alex taps. Thatcher kicks Alex out of the ring.