WWE NXT Results (25th Nov. 2020) – WAR GAMES Bulid-up

Photo Credit: WWE
Ripley says Io Shirai is one of the toughest people she has been in the ring with. Ripley says everyone wants to know what’s next for her. The hug at the end of the match was just about respect. Ripley is here and focused on the NXT Women’s Championship.
LeRae and Storm interrupt. LeRae says Shirai only beat her because she had help. Shirai beat Ripley on her own. LeRae says Ripley is all talk. Gonzalez walks out on the stage carrying Shirai. LeRae says she talks the talk and walks the walk. LeRae and Co charge the ring.
Ripley slides under the bottom rope and boots Gonzalez in the face. Ripley holds her own until Gonzalez hits the ring and drives her into the corner. Everyone beats down Ripley.