WWE NXT Results (25th Nov. 2020) – WAR GAMES Bulid-up

Photo Credit: WWE
Video of Xi Li and Boa getting into the back of a van is shown. Both Boa and Li look like hell. They pull up to a building in the middle of nowhere. The older gentleman from a few weeks ago is standing there. Li and Boa both apologize to their “Master”. The older gentleman walks them into the building. They kneel in front of a woman in the hood. They both plead and beg for forgiveness.
Ever-Rise vs…..
Grizzled Young Veterans hit the ring and attack Ever-Rise. Gibson reintroduces himself to NXT. They are going to be the next tag team champions.
In the parking lot LeRae says anyone who teams with Shotzi Blackheart is getting run over. Hartwell has on a neck brace. LeRae says Gonzalez is going to get them the advantage when she beats Blackheart next week. Gargano walks in and says he is going to win back his North American Title. As Gargano and Co drive off, Hartwell is in the backseat but someone is sitting next to her in a Ghostface mask.