WWE NXT Results (29th July 2020)

Photo Credit: WWE
Finn Balor Vs. Tinothy Thatcher Vs. Dexter Lumis – Triple Threat Match (Winner will get a spot in a Ladder match for the NXT North American Title at NXT Takeover: XXX)
Balor and Thatcher attacks Lumis together. They come back in and he just sends them back out. The brawl comes back into the ring now. Balor fights Thatcher but Lumis runs over them. Lumis keeps control and nails a big backdrop driver on Balor for a two count.
Thatcher continues to dominate Balor. Thatcher keeps Balor grounded with a hold now, bending the fingers back. Balor resists and Thatcher clubs him. Thatcher slams Balor and drops an elbow for a quick pin attempt. Lumis gets on the apron but Thatcher knocks him right back to the floor. Balor and Thatcher trade big strikes in the middle of the ring now. Balor drops Thatcher. Thatcher knocks him into the corner. Balor fights out and drops Thatcher. Balor drops Thatcher again but gets kicked away. Lumis comes in and knocks both opponents down. Lumis with a bulldog to Thatcher. Balor hits Lumis with a pele kick.
Thatcher hits Lumis with a Leaping Kick. Balor comes in but Thatcher takes the leg out with a Dragon Screw leg whip, sending Balor back to the floor. Thatcher and Lumis tangle again. Lumis with the Uranage and then the Silence submission. Balor comes flying off the top to break it with a Coup de Grace. Balor with a two count on Lumis as Thatcher breaks it. Thatcher with an ankle lock on Balor now but Balor resists. Thatcher takes Balor down and tightens the hold on the leg. Lumis crawls up behind Thatcher and locks him in the Silence submission, while Balor is still stuck in Thatcher’s submission. Thatcher passes out. Lumis Wins.
Winner: Dexter Lumis