WWE NXT Resuts (23rd Dec. 2020) – Two Huge Returns

Photo Credit: WWE
Adam Cole Vs. Velveteen Dream
Dream and Cole lock up. Cole takes him down with a headlock. Cole pushes Dream into a corner and Dream forces a break. When the referee separates them, Dream sucker punches Cole.
Suddenly, Pete Dunne runs out and attacks Roderick Strong, tossing him into the steel steps and then hitting him with a Bitter End on the apron. While the referee is distracted, Dream hits Cole in a the neck with his t-shirt and pins him for two as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial and Dream goes to the top rope. Dream goes for an elbow drop from the top rope, but Cole rolls out of the way. Both men get to their feet and trade blows. Cole takes Dream down with a pump kick and an ushigoroshi. Cole pins Dream for two.
Cole catches Dream with an enziguri and a German suplex, again pinning Dream for two. Cole picks up Dream, and Dream hits him with snake eyes on the top rope. Dream hits Cole with a neckbreaker, pinning him for two.
Cole gets Dream in a fireman’s carry again, but Dream escapes. Dream lays into Cole with punches. The referee forces separation. Dream jumps to the middle rope, but before he can jump off, Cole kicks the back of Dream’s leg.
Dream pushes Cole out of the ring with his feet. Dream gets to the top rope and goes for an axe handle dive from the top to the outside and Cole catches him with a kick the midsection.
Cole gets back in the ring and waits for Dream to get back in the ring. Cole catches Dream with a superkick and then locks in a Figure Four Leglock. Dream reaches the ropes and forces a break. Cole goes for a superkick, but Drea dodges and rolls up Cole for two.
Dream catches Cole with a DDT and goes to the top rope. Dream hits Cole with a Purple Rainmaker, pinning Cole for two. Cole slaps Dream and Cole hits Dream with an ushigoroshi. Cole goes for a Panama Sunrise. Dream catches Cole with a superkick and goes for the top rope again. Cole dodges and hits Dream with a superkick and a Last Shot, pinning Dream.
Winner: Adam Cole