WWE NXT War Games 2021 Results (Dec. 5th, 2021) – 2.0 on the top!!

Photo Credit: WWE
WWE NXT War Games 2021 Full Results – Dec. 5th, 2021
Toxic Attraction & Dakota Kai Vs. Raquel Gonzalez. Cora Jade, Kay Lee Ray & Io Shirai – War Games Match
Kay Lee Ray and Dakota Kai are starting off for their teams. KLR gets the upper hand to start off as Kai tries to make her way from one ring to the other. A few chops, running the ropes and Ray hits a dropkick, before taking Kai to the corner and hitting more chops. Tornado ddt to Dakota has her reeling for help, but Kay Lee Ray pursues. Dakota Kai is able to reverse and send Ray into the cage two times before going back and grabbing her kendo sticks. She sets them up on the bottom rope of each ring make some kind of platform before smacking Kay Lee Ray with one over the back and throwing her into the cage. Kai tries to do something to KLR with the kendo sticks but Ray kicks her off to buy herself some time. She crawls in the ring by Dakota catches her, throws her in the corner and tries to go to the top rope by KLR reverses.
Dakota Kai finds KLR’s baseball bat but Ray hits a flipping senton on her to stop that from happening and then smacks her with a kendo stick. Kay Lee Ray then hits a front face suplex on Dakota over the kendo sticks Dakota set up earlier. Time is up and Cora Jade is now coming to the ring with her skateboard. She immediately starts hitting Kai with the board before tossing it away and then hitting an enziguiri followed by a running knee lift to Dakota. KLR and Jade are now doing some double team work and slowly taking their time punishing Dakota Kai. Kai tries to crawl away but there is nowhere to go. After 2 successful double suplexes,
Dakota is able to reverse the third and hit a double ddt to even the odds. Time is up and out comes Gigi Dolin who goes under the ring for some weapons. She grabs a trash can and a bag full of goodies before entering the cage. She tosses the can at Jade’s head, goes up top but misses a top rope move before hitting a pump kick to Jade and a clothesline to KLR. Dakota Kai joins her as Gigi continues to mount the offense, taking complete control of this match. Corner pump kicks from Kai and Dolin one time. They then hit it for a second time before Jade starts to fight back. She hits a rolling dropkick on Gigi and then grabs the trash can, putting it on Dolin’s head before delivering a drop kick. KLR then hits her finishing move on Dakota to the trash can with Gigi still inside. All four women are struggling to get up and KLR is first with a trash can, she hits Kai over the back.
Time is up and Io Shirai is next. She goes under the ring for chairs. Kai and Gigi somehow gain the advantage even though they are outnumbered and start throwing Io into the cage. Gigi and Kai take turns beating on Io, Jade and KLR. Ray grabs a trash can to try and fight back but Gigi ends that for a second before finally dropping her with a front drop suplex. Jade hits Kai with a hurricanrana on the middle of the ring but ends up getting a pump kick from Gigi for her troubles. Gigi goes back to punishing Kay Lee Ray.
Time is up, out comes Jacy Jayne. Jayne brings in a table. KLR is taking more punishment in the corner as Jade is getting double teamed by the tag team champions. Io Shirai is back in the fold and is taking turns on all three members of Team Rose. She hits running knees with a trash can lid to the tag champs in one corner and then Dakota in the other. Jayne has crawled over to the ropes and Io hits the 619 to the back of her head. The table is now set up in the other ring and all three members of team Io are punishing Jacy Jayne. They have Jayne on the table as Cora Jade goes up to the top of the cage.
Jade jumps off for a swanton bomb with a very awkward landing through the table. She gets up favoring her shoulder as KLR and Io take the punishment over to Dakota and Gigi. Io Shirai tends to Jade before grabbing her arm and popping her shoulder back into place as officials beg her not to. Time is up and here comes Raquel. Gonzalez goes under the ring and grabs more trash cans, some chairs and a shovel. As she tries to get in, Dakota kicks her and then her and Gigi hold the door shut. Gonzaelz sprays them with the extinguisher and then enters the cage. Clotheslines to Gigi and Dakota. Kick to Gigi and then dumps Dakota in the trash can before swinging her around and tossing her. Gonazalez then goes to check on Jade as Io Shirai grabs a trash can and goes to the top of the cage. Kai follows her and tosses the trash can down.
All girls except Jade get together for a big double powerbomb spot off top rope. Gonzalez puts the trash can over Dakota and Io hits a moonsault on her. Raquel checks on Cora again. Time is up and here comes Mandy Rose. She grabs the chair and smacks Raquel with it. Mandy then focuses on the downed and hurt Cora. Io tries to stop her but Mandy kicks her a few times and then grabs Cora’s bad arm and starts pulling her. Io is back up and attacks. Both teams are now in separate rings and are regrouping. Kay Lee Ray is now backing Cora in the corner with the kendo stick but it was to lure Team Mandy over and all hell breaks loose. Io with a german suplex on Mandy for a 2 count. Jayne with a spinebuster to Io on chair.
Gonzalez fights Gigi and Jayne to even odds. Raquel tries to double powerbomb them but Mandy takes a kendo stick to her gut and then continues to beat her down with it. Gonzalez gets up but Gigi hits a hurricanrana, Jayne hits a dropkick with the chair for a 2 count. Cora Jade is now back with a kendo stick and one good arm. She backs into the empty ring and Toxic Attraction follows her. Jade starts swinging on all four members but is out numbered. They hold her down as Mandy Rose hits a running knee but only for a 2 count.
Mandy is beside herself. Mandy Rose starts attacking Cora’s arm but Io saves her with a kendo to Mandy. Jayne with a chair to Io and Gigi with a boot to KLR. Gonzalez powerbombs Jayne but then hits a boot to Gigi who does the same to her. With everyone down, Cora folds up Jayne with only one good arm and gets the pinfall win as Io holds Mandy back, left to watch her team lose.
Winner: Raquel Gonzalez, Io Shirai, Kay Lee Ray & Cora Jade
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.