WWE NXT War Games 2021 Results (Dec. 5th, 2021) – 2.0 on the top!!

Photo Credit: WWE
Roderick Strong (c) Vs. Joe Gacy w/Harland – NXT Cruiserweight Championship
Gacy has Harland at his corner and Strong has the Diamond Mine. Joe and Roddy tie up into the corner before Joe pushes him off and the two argue. Roddy hits a double leg takedown and does some more yelling. Gacy tries to hug Strong but Roderick is begging for him to fight him. Joe finally slaps him and this sets Roderick Strong off to start with the punches and follows it up with 2 backbreakers. Gacy starts backing up saying no more but Strong is not having it. Irish whip and Gacy hits a shoulder block followed by a clothesline to the back of Strong. Stomps away at Roddy and an elbow drop that has Strong reeling. Strong fights back and rips open Gacy’s shirt before delivering some loud chops. Gacy is on the apron and Strong is taking some closed fists to his head.
As Roderick tries to exit the ring, Gacy kicks him in the head and takes control. Forearms to a fallen Strong to bring him to the outside before rolling him back in and hitting an elbow drop. Strong stumbles to his feet but Gacy throws him in the corner. Gacy hits a backbreaker of his own. Gacy hits some ground attacks before getting a 2 count. Joe brings Roderick to his feet and puts him on the ropes where he continues the attack. He whips Strong in the corner, reversal and Roderick Strong hits a running knee. Strong lifts Gacy up to the top rope and goes for a superplex. He hits it and both men are down for a second before Strong goes for the pin for only a 2 count.
They both get up and both men exchange shots. Strong gets the upper hand and hits a gut buster followed by an angle slam that only gets him a 2 count. A frustrated Strong then puts Joe Gacy in a Boston crab. Gacy fights out and ends up getting Strong in a crossface but Roderick Strong quickly gets the ropes to break the hold. As Strong gets up, Gacy clotheslines him out of the ring by his Diamond Mine group. Gacy hits a flip to the outside to take out all the members. Ivy Nile steps to Gacy but Harland holds her up. Gacy has to calm Harland down and convince him to put her down. Gacy and Strong end up back in the ring, Strong misses a lifting knee and gets a powerbomb for his efforts. Gacy only gets a 2 count. Roderick Strong fights back, hits his modified suplex backbreaker that gets him the pinfall victory.
Winner: Roderick Strong
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars.