WWE RAW Results (02nd August, 2021) – Nikki beats Charlotte!!

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Backstage, Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler cuts a promo on Rhea Ripley.

Backstage, Drew McIntyre cuts a promo on Jinder Mahal and promises Mahal that he knows him from 10 years and now it’s time.

Nia Jax w/Shayna Baszler Vs. Rhea Ripley

Nia gets the momentum at the start of the match. Ripley tries to fight back but Jax hits her with the Samoan Drop onto the barricade as we go for commercial.

After the break, Ripley fights back with an hurricanranna followed with a missile dropkick. Jax is busted open and Ripley rolls her up for the victory.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Jax and Baszler argues in the ring and Baszler leaves. Ripley attacks Jax and hits the Riptide on Jax.

Mansoor & Ali Vs. MACE & T-Bar

MACE & T-Bar destroyed Ali and Mansoor at the start of the match. Mansoor & Ali tries to fight bjut due to miscommunication the heels takes control over them throughout the match and T-Bar hits the big boot on Mansoor for the victory.

Winner: MACE & T-Bar

After the match, Ali saves Mansoor and MACE & T-Bar hits a double chokeslam on Ali.


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