WWE RAW Results (02nd August, 2021) – Nikki beats Charlotte!!

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Charlotte Flair came down to the ring and cuts a promo on Nikki ASH. ‘Becky’ chants breaks out and Charlotte shuts the chants down by telling them that she’s the one who sold out the All State Arena at Chicago. Charlotte gloats about being an 11 time champion and she tells that she has been robbed by MITB contracts three times. Nikki attacks her and hits her with a chair as Charlotte retreats.

Backstage, Eva Marie cuts the promo on Alexa Bliss’ Lily-Lution.

Doudrop w/Eva Marie Vs. Tamina

Doudrop takes control over Tamina at the start of the match but Tamina fights back and hits her with the Samoan Drop for the victory.

Winner: Tamina

After the match, Alexa Bliss appears on the titantron as she makes fun of Marie. Once again ‘We Want Wyatt’ chants broke out.


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