WWE RAW Results (02nd August, 2021) – Nikki beats Charlotte!!

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Backstage, in an interview, Lashley says he’ll annihilate Goldberg at SummerSlam. The broadcast team confirms that Lashley will face Goldberg at WWE SummerSlam.

Riddle vs. Omos

Riddle takes the fight to Omos with some running forearms, but Omos shoves “The Original Bro” over the top rope. Omos throws Riddle into the timekeeper’s area. The big man launches Riddle off the apron and onto the floor. Omoa absorbs a few blows from Riddle and pins him with a two-handed chokebomb.

Winner: Omos

Backstage, Alexa Bliss says Lilly has been influencing people for quite some time; she names Jack The Ripper and Zodiac before Doudrop attacks Bliss. Eva Marie calls Lilly disgusting and says “this is Eva-lution.” Lilly gets up by herself and laughs.

Karrion Kross vs. Keith Lee

Lee and Kross square off and trade blows. Two shoulder tackles drop Kross, but Lee hits a slingshot crossbody to gain the upper hand. Kross drops Lee with an Exploder suplex and suplexes hm again into the steps. Kross dominates for a few minutes and drops Lee with a clothesline. Lee rallies with a series of strikes and a shoulder tackle. Kross drills Lee with a stiff strike, but Lee avoids the Kross Jacket. Lee hits the Spirit Bomb for the win.

Winner: Keith Lee

Reginald (c) Vs. Akira Tozawa – 24/7 Championship

Quick match with Reggie coming on the top once again.

Winner: Reginald


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