WWE RAW Results (05th July 2021) – Jinder stole McIntyre’s Sword!!

Photo Credit: WWE
Ricochet Vs. John Morrison w/The Miz
Ricochet lands a clothesline in the corner followed by a bodyslam. Ricochet gets a near fall after an elbow drop. Morrison slingshots Ricochet throat first into the bottom rope. Morrison works over Ricochet. The fight spills outside the ring.
Ricochet front flips over Miz and almost hits a ranna on Morrison but Morrison puts on the breaks. Morrison powerbombs Ricochet on the barricade. After the break, Morrison is still working over Ricochet. Standing Spanish fly by Morrison. Ricochet kicks out.
Morrison continues his assault. Ricochet surprises Morrison with a satalitte DDT. Morrison kicks out. Ricochet lands a series of strikes. Miz sprays Ricochet with the drip stick. Morrison rolls Ricochet up. Ricochet kicks out. Morrison misses a slingshot elbow on the apron. Ricochet cross-body blocks Morrison off the apron. Both men are down. Morrison rolls back into the ring. Miz blocks Ricochet with his wheelchair long enough for him to be counted out.
Winner by Count-Out – John Morrison
Backstage, Jinder Mahal arrive at the arena on a red motorcycle. Mahal is asked about his match against Drew McIntyre tonight and he says they were good friends at a time. Recently he texted Drew asking if he wanted to go for a ride for old time’s sake but McIntyre took three days to respond and said he was “2 busy”. Mahal says the monder day Maharaja deserves more respect than that and tonight he proves he’s on the same level.