WWE RAW Results (07th Dec. 2020) – The Fiend attacks Orton


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Bobby Lashley w/MVP Vs. Jeff Hardy

Before the match started, Riddle is backstage with Hardy & offer him an alliance Hardy Bros. Hardy laughs & leaves for his match.

Lashley overpowers Hardy at the start of the match. Hardy tries to fight back but MVP distract him in the apron. Riddle came out & pulls MVP off the apron. Hardy throws Lashley outside the ring.

Lashley takes control over Hardy & beat him up. Riddle tries to motivate him from the ringside. Lashley puts Hardy in the sleeper hold, Riddle is still motivating him from the ringside. Hardy tries to fight back with a low dropkick for a two count.

Hardy hits the whisper in the wind & Lashley kicks out at two. Lashley hits the Flatliner on Hardy for a two count. Hardy hits a twist of fate and tries to hit the Swanton Bomb, but Lashley moves & hits Hardy with a devastating spear followed with The Hurt Lock for the victory.

Winner: Bobby Lashley.

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