WWE RAW Results (08th May 2021) – Alexa Scares Baszler

Photo Credit: WWE
Backstage, Riddle looks sad. Orton walks in and hands Riddle the key for his pie hole. Riddle goes on a long rant about taking Orton to Burger King in every state if Orton agrees to ride with him. Orton asks Riddle for the key back. Riddle asks if Orton will come down for his match tonight. Orton says he isn’t sure. Orton throws the key in the trash.
Kofi Kingston w/Xavier Woods Vs. Riddle
Kingston gets a few near falls after a PK and a dropkick. Riddle waist locks Kingston and hits multiple gut wrench suplexes. Riddle crushes Kingston with a broton. Riddle gets distracts by Woods playing his trombone. Kingston takes control and lands a few stiff chops in the corner. Orton’s music hits and he power walks to the ring.
Kingston catches Orton with a baseball slide. Woods plays the trombone near the announce desk. Orton runs in the frame and suplexes Woods on the announce desk. After going back and forth, Riddle tries to hit the RKO, but Kinston counters it and hits the trouble in paradise for three count.
Winner: Kofi Kingston
Backstage, Shayna Baszler runs into Nia Jax. Jax and Baszler argue about Reginald. Baszler says Jax keeps letting him get in the way of them winning back the tag titles. Jax tells Baszler that she is there to offer her help tonight with Alexa Bliss. Bliss has to have something planned. Baszler says she’s not scared of a little blond girl with a doll.