WWE RAW Results (10th August 2020)

Photo Credit: WWE
RAW Underground
Arturo Ruas is on the platform now. Shane talks up Arturo’s amateur background. The other fighter charges but Ruas easily sends him to the floor. He charges again but Ruas fights him off and slams him. Ruas pounds the other fighter and keeps him down. They’re told to get back up and fight after Ruas dominates. Ruas ends up slamming the other fighter on his head, getting the win. Shane raises his arm as the referee checks on the losing fighter. Shane asks if anyone wants to take Ruas on.
Shane is in the ring with Dabba-Kato. He destroys another fighter and wins after grabbing a fistful of jewels from below the belt. Shayna Baszler is seen at ringside, staring Kato down. Shane gets in between them to stop the tension. Baszler gets on the platform and Shane wonders who will step up to fight her. Baszler targets a female fighter at ringside before she can come in. Baszler attacks and brings her in, destroying her. Another woman enters and attacks from behind but Baszler fights her off. Emily Andzulis attacks next and they tangle but Baszler puts her down with a submission. All three competitors attack Baszler at once but she takes them all out with ease. Baszler makes Emily tap out to get the win.
The camera cuts back to the parking lot as we see RETRIBUTION with a car that has been turned over, and possibly lit on fire or just smoking. They jump around on the car, yell and scream, then run off.