WWE RAW Results (10th August 2020)

Photo Credit: WWE
The Viking Raiders, Ricochet & Cedric Alexander Vs. Akira Tozawa and his Ninjas
The Viking Raiders and Ricochet and Alexander completely destroyed the ninjas and came out victorious when The Viking Raiders hits their finisher on one of the ninjas.
Winner: The Viking Raider, Ricochet & Cedric Alexander
After the match, all ninjas escorts Tozawa to the ramp. One ninja waves it for a referee from the back. The referee came to the ramp and that ninja rolls up Tozawa to pin and wins the 24/7 championship. Then, ninja unmasked himself and it was R-Truth and now he is 38 time champion.
Charly Caruso is backstage with WWE Champion Drew McIntyre, asking about last week’s comments on Orton. Drew says he wouldn’t say something if he didn’t mean it. He goes on about Orton taking out other people for self preservation, to make sure he’s on top of WWE for many years to come. He took the torch from Mick Foley years ago. Drew promises to rip that torch from Orton’s hand at SummerSlam and kick him in the head.