WWE RAW Results (10th May 2021) – Strowman destroys McIntyre & Lashley

Photo Credit: WWE
RK-Bro & The New Day Vs. AJ Styles, Omos, Elias & Jaxson Ryker
The heels take turns beating down Riddle. Riddle manages to tag in Woods. Woods and Kingston double team Styles Ryker tags in and slams Woods in the corner. Ryker stomps Woods before tagging Elias back in. Elias lands a nasty spinebuster. Woods manages to tag in Riddle. Riddle surprises Elias with Bro-Derek.
Omos breaks up the pin. Kingston and Woods drag Styles around by his feet outside the ring. Omos tries to save Styles. In the confusion, Orton drops Elias with the RKO for the win.
Winner: RK-Bro & The New Day
After the match, Orton RKOs Kingston & Woods and walk away and Riddle checks on the New Day.
Backstage, Deville has Asuka and Rhea Ripley in her office. Deville says someone gave her a great idea. To get all the tension out, Asuka and Ripley will face each other tonight. Ripley says this must have come from Flair. Asuka says she’s already wrestled tonight but she’ll do it. Asuka is ready for Rhea.