WWE RAW Results (14th Dec. 2020) – Randy Orton plays mind games


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AJ Styles w/Omos Vs. Sheamus

Both men goes back & forth at the start of the match. Styles takes control over Sheamus. Sheamus fights back with a standing suplex on Styles. Omos pulls Styles & save him once again. Sheamus stares down Omos.

Styles started working on Sheamus left leg & put him in a leg lock. Styles keep hitting the left leg on Sheamus. Sheamus fights back with an Irish Curse on Styles.

Sheamus hits a fall away slam on Styles followed with a knee strike, Styles kicks out at two. Sheamus hits the 10 clubbing blows to Styles chest while sharing Omos & hits a top rope clothes line for a nearfall.

Styles locks Sheamus injured leg in a Calf Crusher, but Sheamus grabs the ropes to release the hold. Styles goes for Styles Clash but Sheamus reverses it into White Noise for the two count.

Sheamus goes to the top but Styles kicks Sheamus on the injured leg and he falls to the mat & Styles rolls him up for the victory.

Winner: AJ Styles

After the match, Sheamus tries to grab Styles hair from the ring but Omos pulls him through the ring & Sheamus hangs in the ring upside down. Omos gives Styles a chair, Styles hits Sheamus with the chair several times.

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