WWE RAW Results (15th Feb. 2021) – Lacey Evans is PREGNANT!!!


Photo Credit: WWE

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Gauntlet Match: AJ Styles w/Omos vs. Sheamus vs. Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston w/Xavier Woods (Winner will get to enter the Elimination Chamber last)

Omos walks Woods over to the barricade and chokeslams him into the crowd. Kingston gets in Omos’ face. The referee ejects Omos. in the confusion, Styles lands a nasty chop block to Kingston. AJ Styles hits the Phenomenal forearm to eliminate Kofi.

Kofi Kingston has been eliminated.

Drew McIntyre is next,

McIntyre fires up and launches Styles clear across the ring with a belly-to-belly. McIntyre dives off the top into an enziguri by Styles. McIntyre kicks out. McIntyre back body drops his way out of the Styles Clash. Styles rolls McIntyre into the Calf Crusher. McIntyre avoids the Phenomenal Forearm. McIntyre hits the Claymore. McIntyre pins Styles.

AJ Styles has been eliminated

Jeff Hardy is next. Hardy attempts the Twist of Fate. McIntyre reverses it into the future shock DDT. Hardy kicks out. Hardy rolls out of the ring. McIntyre suplexes Hardy out on the floor. McIntyre gets another near fall. Superplex by McIntyre. Hardy kicks out again. McIntyre misses the Claymore. Twist of Fate by Hardy. McIntyre gets his knees up during the Swanton. McIntyre hits the Claymore for the pin.

Jeff Hardy has been eliminated

Randy Orton is next, Orton tosses McIntyre out of the ring and goes after. Orton slams him into the steps and back into the ring… but the lights start going crazy and Alexa Bliss’ face appears on every screen inside the ThunderDome while she laughs. Orton gets counted out and as he tries to get back into the ring Drew hits him with a Claymore!

Randy Orton is eliminated.

Sheamus is next, Drew forearms Sheamus off the apron, then goes out and rams him into the ring post a few times. McIntyre gets Sheamus in the ring but the Irishman kicks him as he tries to get back in himself. Drew catches Sheamus with a belly-to-belly, then looks for another but Sheamus elbows him off.

McIntyre catches Sheamus with a spinebuster and goes to the corner. The Champion looks for a Claymore but Sheamus avoids it and hits a Brogue Kick for the win!

Winner: Sheamus

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