WWE RAW Results (16th Nov. Results) – New Champion Crowned


Photo Credit: WWE

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The New Day (c) Vs. The Hurt Business – RAW Tag Team Championships

Kofi & Cedric starts the match & goes back & forth. Kofi tags Woods in, then they perform several double team maneuvers. Cedric tags Shelton in, but Woods retakes his momentum & hits Shelton with a dropkick.

Shelton overpowers Woods & hits a spinebuster & the heels work over Woods neck. Woods somehow manages to tag Kofi in, who hits a crossbody from the top rope for a near fall.

Kofi tries to hits the boom drop, but Shelton overpowers him & drops Kofi with a buckle bomb. Shelton tags Cedric in & they hit the modified doomsday device for a two count.

Kofi tries to fight back & hits a DDT off the top rope to Shelton. Cedric tags in, Cedric goes for the lumbar check, but Kofi reverses into a super kick and then trouble in paradise. He tags in Woods, who lands day break from the top for the victory.

Winner: The New Day

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