WWE RAW Results (19th July, 2021) – A Night Full of Surprises!!

Photo Credit: WWE
Jinder Mahal, Veer and Shanky are in the ring. Mahal says today is his birthday and what makes it even better is that Drew McIntyre is not Mr. Money In The Bank. We see a replay of Drew destroying his motorbike. Jinder says karma always comes back around and we see a replay of him beating Drew with a chair last night, taking him out of the ladder match. Mahal says he can buy another motorbike but Drew will never get another shot at the WWE Championship while Lashley is Champion. Shanky then starts singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Jinder.
Drew McIntyre attacks Jinder with a chair as he retreats with Veer. Drew McIntyre destroys Shanky with more than 20 chair shots on his back.
Karrion Kross Vs. Jeff Hardy
Hardy hits a Twist of fate and misses the Swanton. Kross tries to hits his finisher but Hardy rolls him up and get extra leverage from ropes to steal the victory.
Winner: Jeff Hardy
After the break, Kross says that Hardy did the biggest mistake of his life.
We join Alexa’s Playground and Lilly has joined her again. Alexa says Lilly promises to be on her best behaviour. Eva Marie and Doudrop appear wearing leopard print. Marie says she thought Doudrop throwing Alexa around last week would have made her see sense. Bliss ignores Eva and welcomes Doudrop. Eva rambles so Bliss tells her not to say anything to or about Lilly.
Eva says like what? Make Doudrop drop her in the trash. Bliss says that would be very bad. Bliss suggests putting Doudrop in timeout to see what Eva can do on her own. Marie says she’s more than capable on her own, then turns to leave but falls over and Bliss laughs.