WWE RAW Results (21st Dec. 2020) – TLC Aftermath

Photo Credit: WWE
Elias is in the ring with Jakson Ryker. Lucha House Party interrupts them.
Gran Metalik Vs. Jaxson Ryker
Ryker hits the Chokebomb on Metalik for the victory.
Winner: Jaxson Ryker
Randy Orton came down to the ring and cuts a promo about last night when he sets The Fiend on fire and burnt him alive in the middle of the ring. The lights went out and Orton rolls out of the ring.
Alexa Bliss is in the ring sitting in a swing. Bliss tells Orton that The Fiend made this playground for her. Bliss calls it ‘Alexa’s Playground’. Bliss tells Orton that he will meet the Fiend very soon.