WWE RAW Results (23rd Nov. 2020) – Survivor Series Aftermath

Photo Credit: WWE
AJ Styles Vs. Randy Orton – 3rd Spot for Triple Threat for #1 Contender’s match
Styles rolls up Orton for a near fall. Orton catches Styles with a European uppercut. Styles drives his shoulder into Orton’s gut. Styles catches Orton with a high dropkick. Orton kicks out. Orton and Styles fight outside. Orton pushes Styles into Omos. Omos puts Styles on the apron. Styles drops Orton with a PK.
Orton manages to get to the ropes. Styles walks right into a powerslam by Orton. Styles avoids the RKO. Styles drops Orton with an enziguri. Orton slips out of the ring to avoid getting pinned. Orton trips Styles on the apron. Styles lands headfirst.
The lights go red and The Fiend appears behind Orton. Orton turns around and The Fiend is gone. Styles tries the Phenomenal Forearm but Orton trips him and hits the dripping DDT. The lights go out and The Fiend is behind Orton again. The Fiend screams at Orton. Orton turns around and gets hit with the Phenomenal Forearm. Styles pins Orton.
Winner: AJ Styles