WWE RAW Results (26th Oct. 2020)


Photo Credit: WWE

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Keith Lee vs. Elias: RAW Survivor Series Men’s Team Qualifying Match

Lee quickly escapes a headlock by Elias. Lee locks in a knuckle lock. After a tackle, leapfrog spot Lee destroys Elias with a crossbody. Elias sends Lee into the barricade. Elias charges in, but Lee destroys him with a pounce. Elias is sent flying over the announce desk. After the break, Lee is working an armbar on Elias. Lee sets up the Spirit Bomb but Elias counters with a ranna. Elias drops Lee with a running knee. Lee rolls out of the ring. Elias sends Lee into the post multiple times. Elias sends Lee back into the ring. Elias goes up top and lands a double axhandle. Lee kicks out. Elias gets another near fall after a knee drop. Lee surprises Elias with a powerslam. Elias stumbles into the corner. Lee crushes Elias in the corner. Mule kick by Elias. Elias hits his finish but Lee kicks out. Elias goes up top. Hardy’s music plays. While Elias is distracted, Lee tosses him off the top rope. Lee hits the Spirit Bomb for the win.

Winner- Keith Lee

After the match, Hardy hits Elias in the back with a guitar.

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