WWE RAW Results (28th Sept. 2020)

Photo Credit: WWE
Dolph Ziggler music hits & he introduces his tag team partner, the returning Robert Roode.
Drew McIntyre (c) Vs. Robert Roode – WWE Championship
Roode targets the right leg of of McIntyre, which was injured last night at Clash of Champions. McIntyre fights back with chops. Roode goes to the outside the ring, but McIntyre drops him with a reverse Alabama slam onto the apron.
Ziggler interferes. Roode slams McIntyre’s right knee into the announce table and then goes to the top. McIntyre is back in the ring. Roode hits a clothesline and goes straight to the figure four leg lock.
McIntyre gets up and is able to get control with a future shock DDT for two. Ziggler on the apron, McIntyre goes goes to boot him but misses. Roode capitalizes with a Glorious DDT but only gets a two.
Roode hits a Glorious DDT on McIntyre but only gets a two count. Roode is frustrated. He tries to hit another DDT, but McIntyre reverses. McIntyre off the ropes with a Claymore out of nowhere for the victory.
Winner: Drew McIntyre
Backstage, Orton is disguised as a janitor. He enters the legends lounge, turns off the lights, puts on his night vision goggles and attacks all four men with a chair. Orton then puts his disguise back on and leaves as the show goes off air.