WWE RAW Results (31st August 2020)

Photo Credit: WWE
The Riott Squad Vs. The Iconiics (Winner gets a title shot and Loser must disband)
Kay attacks Riott. Royce tags in and slams Riott’s head onto Kay’s knee. Riott kicks out. Royce puts Riott in a headlock. Riott gets to her feet and fights out of the hold. Royce misses a spin kick. Riott tags in Morgan. Morgan enziguris Royce. Royce kicks out. Royce escapes Morgan’s bodyslam. Royce slams Morgan by her hair. Morgan takes a bullet for Riott. Kay and Royce trade pins. Riott holds Kay down for a three count with a crucifix pin.
Winner: The Riott Squad
After the match, Kay and Royce both throw temper tantrums in the ring.