WWE Smackdown Results (01st Jan. 2020) – Sonya Deville Returns

Photo Credit: WWE
Sasha Banks & Bianca Belair Vs. Bayley & Carmella
Both team goes back & forth at the start of the match. Bayley takes control over Belair and works over Belair’s left elbow. Belair fights back and drops Bayley with a vertical suplex.
Carmella tags in and Belair rolls her up for a two count. Belair tags Banks in and Banks is fired up and beat the hell out of Carmella. Banks hits Carmella with two back to back Meteora and covers Carmella. Bayley breaks the pin.
Banks puts Carmella in the Banks Statement but Reginald pulls her out of the ring. Reginald taunts Banks from outside the ring. Carmella takes advantage of this distraction and hits the Mella Buster for the victory.
Winner: Bayley & Carmella