WWE Smackdown Results (02nd Oct. 2020)

Photo Credit: WWE
The KO Show
Owens welcomes SmackDown to the Kevin Owens Show. Owens says he has a lot of questions for his guest tonight. Alexa Bliss joins Owens in the ring. Owens says he has seen this change in Bliss. Bliss’ attitude reminds him of Aleister Black over on RAW. Bliss says people change. Bliss asks Owens doesn’t he want to change and be better? Owens says he needs to understand what she is going through. If Owens can understand Bliss, maybe he can understand Aleister Black. Bliss describes what is like being around The Fiend. When he (The Fiend) looks in your eyes, it’s like he is looking through you.
Owens calls Bliss brainwashed. Bliss says her brain has been washed. Owens asks if “he” is here right now. Bliss responds that the is everywhere. Bliss tells Owens to let him in. The light cut out. Everything turns red and The Fiend appears in the ring. The Fiend puts Owens in the Mandible Claw. Bliss looks on from her chair. The Fiend slowly walks towards her. The Fiend holds out his hand. Bliss takes it. Bliss smiles at the screen as the feed cuts out.