WWE Smackdown Results (04th Dec. 2020)

Photo Credit: WWE
An incredible tribute video played for Pat Patterson.
Daniel Bryan, Big E & Rey Mysterio Vs. Sami Zayn, Shinsuke Nakamura & Dolph Ziggler – Pat Patterson Tribute Match
Mysterio & Nakamura starts the match & tries to lock each other up in submission holds & goes back & forth. Mysterio tags Big E & Nakamura tags Ziggler in, Big E overpowers Ziggler.
Bryan tags in, Zayn distracts Bryan, Ziggler tries to take advantage of the distraction. Bryan backflips off the top rope to avoid Ziggler. Bryan hits a suicide dive on Zayn outside the ring, then jumps up on the apron and knocks Nakamura off and goes up top but Ziggler dropkicks him.
Bryan tries a top rope rana but Ziggler reverses it into a sunset flip for a near fall. Bryan lands the yes kicks again. Ziggler lands the fameasser. Big E breaks up the pin. Everyone lands a big move.
Zayn gets a blind tag. Bryan hits Ziggler with the flying knee. Zyan tries to sneak a pin but Bryan counter into the Yes Lock. Zayn gets to the ropes. Zayn. hits a. brainbuster. Bryan kicks out. Bryan small packages Zayn for the win.
Winner- Big E, Daniel Bryan, and Rey Mysterio