WWE Smackdown Results (04th Dec. 2020)

Photo Credit: WWE
Sasha Banks and Carmella are on for an interview. They are both in two different locations. Cole asks Banks if she thinks she and Carmella are more alike than they realize. Banks says yeah right. Carmella calls Banks a fake Nikki Minaj.
Banks says Carmella is talented but everything she has ever accomplished she had help. First, it was the guy without a chin and then it was R-Truth. Banks says Carmella can’t hold a candle to her. Carmella tells Banks that she is jealous of her.
Carmella says Banks wanted this her whole life but she just waltzes in on a whim and is 10 times better than Banks. Banks tells Carmella that if she wants a match, she’s got it. Carmella hasn’t been in the ring with a badder b*tch than Banks.