WWE Smackdown Results (04th Dec. 2020)

Photo Credit: WWE
Murphy w/Mysterio Family Vs. Baron Corbin
Murphy came down to the ring with Aalyah, Dominik Mysterio & Rey Myseterio. Corbin came out with two hooded men as his backup for the match.
Murphy gets distracted by one of the guys in the hoods. Corbin launches. Murphy over the barricade into a cameraman in the timekeeper’s area. After the break, Corbin continues his assault. The two men in hoods are Blake and Cutler, formerly of The Forgotten Sons.
Blake and Cutler attack Dominik and Rey Mysterio outside the ring. Murphy makes the save but as he is chasing Cutler and Blake he runs right into Corbin’s End of Days. Corbin pins Murphy.
Winner: King Corbin