WWE Smackdown Results (04th May 2021) – Reigns attacks The Mysterios

Photo Credit: WWE
Apollo Crews (c) vs. Kevin Owens – Intercontinental Championship (Commander Azeez is banned from ringside)
Crews immediately focuses his attack on Owens’ injured ribs. Crews lands gutshot after gut shot. Owens manages to land a boot followed by a senton. Owens hurts himself in the process. Owens tries popup powerbomb but he can’t follow through. Crews charges in but Owens dumps him to the outside. Owens hits the ropes for a dive, but the ropes hurt his ribs. Owens gingerly rolls out to the apron. Crews trips Owens. Owens lands ribs first on the ring apron. Crews suplexes Owens out on the floor. After the break, Crews lands multiple suplexes. Owens can barely stand. Release German suplex by Crews. Owens kicks out.
Owens surprises Crews with a German suplex of his own. Crews drives Owens into the corner. Crews sets up a superplex. Owens puts on the breaks and knocks Crews off the top. Owens tries a swanton but Crews gets his knees up. Deadlift German suplex by Crews. Standing moonsault by Crews. Owens kicks out. Owens fires up and lands a superkick. Popup powerbomb by Owens. Crews kicks out. Crews picks Owens off the top and hits a death valley driver on the apron. Crews rolls Owens back into the ring and pins him.
Winner: Apollo Crews
After the match, Sami Zayn runs down to the ring, and Helluva Kicks Owens. Zayn yells that Karma finally caught up to Owens.