WWE Smackdown Results (06th Nov. 2020) – Rollins & Corbin Qualifies

Photo Credit: WWE
WWE Smackdown Results – 06th Nov. 2020
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Smackdown kicks off with a video package of the rivalry between Bayley & Sasha Banks.
Backstage, Bayley cuts a promo about getting her title back from Sasha Banks.
Sasha Bank (c) Vs. Bayley – Smackdown Women’s Championship
Both women goes back & forth at the start of the match. Banks reverses a waist lock by Bayley into a Bank Statement. But, Bayley manages to roll out of the ring.
Bayley hits Banks with a clothesline. Banks hits a diving double knee strike on Bayley. Bayley rolls out of the ring. Banks performs a diving crossbody off the top rope on bayley.
Bayley climbs the top rope for diving elbow but is knocked off the top by Banks. Bayley hits a frog splash on Banks on Banks for the two count.
Bayley charges but Banks moves and Bayley hits the ring post. Banks kicks Bayley in the face. Banks drops Bayley with a Backstabber followed with the Bank Statement. Bayley taps out.
Winner: Sasha Banks
After the match, Banks celebrates at the top of the ramp. Carmella came out of nowhere & superkicks Banks in the face. Carmella stands tall.