WWE Smackdown Results (07th August 2020)


Photo Credit: WWE

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Sheamus Vs. Matt Riddle

Riddle locks Sheamus in a rear-naked choke. Sheamus gets to the ropes. Sheamus hits Riddle with a knee. Sheamus works over Riddle’s arm and shoulder. Riddle locks Sheamus in an armbar. Riddle turns it into a pin. Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus hits Riddle with a gut wrench powerbomb. Sheamus goes up top. Riddle knocks Sheamus off the top rope with a flying elbow.

Both men goes back and forth now in the middle of the ring. Riddle goes for the running knee but Sheamus dodges it and rolls him for a two count. Sheamus hits Riddle with an Irish Curse. Sheamus charges into the corner but he hits the ring post shoulder-first and falls out to the floor. Riddle follows as the referee counts. He unloads with kicks to Sheamus. Sheamus blocks and hits him with a knee to the jaw. Sheamus makes it back in and here comes Riddle but Shorty G attacks him from behind at ringside for the disqualification.

Winner by Disqualification: Matt Riddle

After the match, Shorty G continues to beat Riddle at the ringside but Riddle fights back and slams his head on the announcer’s table again and again. Referee announced that Riddle won the match by DQ, Riddle dances at the ringside while Sheamus watches him in anger from the ring. Sheamus grabs Shorty G and brings him back in the ring and hits him with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus takes the microphone and rants about G messing up his match and again hits a brogue kick to G second time.

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