WWE Smackdown Results (11th Dec. 2020) – Carmella attacks Sasha Banks

Photo Credit: WWE
Backstage, King Corbin is being interviewed by Kayla Braxton, where he cuts a promo on Mysterio family and tells them that next time there will be severe consequences.
Sasha Banks (c) Vs. Carmella – Smackdown Women’s Championship
Carmella takes control over Banks at the start of the match. Carmella hits some back elbow strikes to Banks on the corner. Banks tries to fight back with a kick to the head of Carmella while she was on the apron.
Banks hits a Meteora to Carmella on the apron. Carmella fights back and hits a facebuster to Banks on the apron. Sasha fights back with two back to back Meteoras on Carmella.
Carmella locks Banks in the Code of Silence, but Banks reverses it into the Banks Statement. The messenger pulls Banks under the ring. Banks chases the messenger & hits Carmella with a Backstabber & snapped.
Banks hits Carmella with kicks and didn’t stop after the ref counts to five. Ref calls for the bell.
Winner by DQ: Carmella
After the match, Carmella attacks Banks with a champagne bottle. She broke the bottle on Banks’ back & yells at her. Carmella celebrates and the show goes off air.