WWE Smackdown Results (11th Sept. 2020)


Photo Credit: WWE

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Nikki Cross Vs. Alexa Bliss Vs. Lacey Evans Vs. Tamina – Fatal 4 Way #1 Contender’s match for the Smackdown Women’s Championship

Bayley attacks Cross before the match. Tamina dominated everyone at the start of the match. Cross locks Tamina in a sleeper hold. Bliss and Cross double team Evans and Tamina now. Bliss hits Sister Abigail on Cross at the ringside.

Alexa left the match in between. Lacey & Tamina double teams on Cross. Cross fired up and hits both women with bulldogs. She pins Evans, and got the two count. Cross hits a tornado DDT on Tamina and cross-body on Evans.

Lacey hits the Women’s right on Tamina. Cross hits the swinging neckbreaker on Lacey. Cross rolls up Tamina for the surprise victory.

Winner & NEW #1 Contender: Nikki Cross

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