WWE Smackdown Results (13th Nov. 2020) – Chelsea Green debuts

Photo Credit: WWE
Otis Vs. Dolph Ziggler w/Robert Roode
Otis overpowers Ziggler throughout the match. Roode gets on the apron to distract Otis. Ziggler takes the advantage of the distraction & hits Otis with a Zig Zag for the two count.
Ziggler sets Otis up for the Superkick but Otis catches him & bodyslam him. Otis hits Ziggler with the Caterpiller followed with a Vader Bomb for the victory.
Winner: Otis
Backstage, Chad Gable walks up to Otis & tells him that he is impressed with him. Otis tells Gable that he needs someone to go to the next level. Gable hands him over a pamphlet named ‘Alpha Academy. Otis loves the idea.