WWE Smackdown Results (14th August 2020)


Photo Credit: WWE

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Big E Vs. John Morrison

Morrison shows off some and taunts Big E. Both men goes back and forth now. Morrison tries to springboard in but Big E knocks him out of mid-air, to the floor. Big E pounds on Morrison with forearms while he’s down now. Big E goes on and hits a big splash on Morrison.

Now, Big E follows taunts Morrison. Miz distracts the referee and Morrison got the upper hand on Big E. Otis comes out and talks with Miz. The lights start flickering again. Cole calls for security and Miz looks around.

The camera cuts backstage and we see RETRIBUTION destroying catering. They attack referees and then take out a security guard with a steel chair after he runs in. They continue destroying the room, throwing chairs around and turning tables over. They bully other people and start spray painting the walls.

Morrison charges but Big E catches him with the Uranage. Morrison turns it around and delivers a kick but Big E rolls him for a two count. Big E locks him in the Stretch Muffler submission for the victory.

Winner: Big E

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