WWE Smackdown Results (15th Jan. 2021) – Kevin Owens RETURNS

Photo Credit: WWE
Backstage, Adam Pearce is with Sonya Deville. Paul Heyman walks in and gives him the contract and says that the title match between Reigns and Pearce will be a no DQ match. Pearce signs the contract and tells Heyman that he knows that they put the stipulation because they want to hurt him.
Backstage, The Street Profits cuts a promo on Ziggler and Roode.
Backstage, Roman Reigns is sitting in his room with Apollo Crews. Paul Heyman walks in and hands Reigns over the contract and tells him that now the match is no DQ and Pearce signed it. Reigns said that he’s not gonna sign because he want a Last man Standing match with Pearce at Royal Rumble.