WWE Smackdown Results (15th Jan. 2021) – Kevin Owens RETURNS

Photo Credit: WWE
Backstage, Daniel Bryan is training with the Alpha academy and Cesaro walks in and says that Nakamura shakes Bryan hands last week because he feels sorry for him.
Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan
Cesaro takes Bryan over in a side headlock. Bryan gets to his feet but gets run over by Cesaro. Bryan arm drags Cesaro. Bryan works over Cesaro’s arm. Cesaro catches Bryan with a back elbow. Cesaro lands a roaring European uppercut.
Bryan surprises Cesaro with a dropkick in the corner. Bryan drops his full body weight on Cesaro’s shoulder. Bryan drives his knee into Cesaro’s arm. Cesaro responds with a body slam. Bryan flips Cesaro into the ropes. Cesaro lands on his head.
Cesaro falls to the outside. Bryan crushes Cesaro with a dive. Bryan kicks Cesaro into the ring post. Bryan tries to lay in another kick but Cesaro ducks. Bryan kicks the ring post. Bryan falls to the floor clutching at his ankle. Cesaro hits the neutralizer for the victory.
Winner: Cesaro