WWE Smackdown Results (16th Oct. 2020)


Photo Credit: WWE

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Jeff Hardy Vs. Lars Sullivan

Hardy lands a few strikes. Sullivan runs over Hardy. Sullivan blasts Hardy with clubbing crossface strikes. Hardy is clutching at his previously injured knee. Sullivan tosses Hardy across the ring with a suplex. Basement clothesline by Sullivan. Sullivan goes up top. Sullivan misses a diving headbutt. Hardy fires up and lands an inverted atomic drop. Hardy tries to lift Sullivan buts Sullivan lands a clubbing blow to Hardy’s back. Whisper in the wind by Hardy. Sullivan kicks out at one. Sullivan blocks the Twist of Fate. Sullivan throws Hardy out of the ring. Sullivan follows.

Hardy tries to leap off the stairs but Sullivan catches him in the air. Sullivan drops Hardy on the ring apron. Sullivan sends Hardy back into the ring. Hardy surprises Sullivan with the Twist of Fate. Hardy goes up top but Sullivan gets right back up. Sullivan pulls Hardy off the top rope and hits the Freak Accident for the win.

Winner- Lars Sullivan

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