WWE Smackdown Results (16th Oct. 2020)


Photo Credit: WWE

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The New Day vs. Sheamus, Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura 

Nakamura for now and Woods trade submission attempts. Nakamura knocks Woods into the corner. Nakamura lands a few strikes. Woods tags in Kingston, who lands a double stomp. Nakamura kicks out. Nakamura misses one kick but lands another. Nakamura tags in Cesaro. Nakamura and Cesaro land a double arm drag. Cesaro launches Kingston into the corner. Kingston hops up to the second rope and lands a dropkick. Woods tags in and picks Big E up in an electric chair.

Woods drops Big E onto Cesaro. Cesaro tags in Sheamus. Sheamus and Cesaro double team Woods. Sheamus and Cesaro do their “The Bar” taunt. Woods manages to tag in Big E. Big E powerbomb Woods onto Sheamus. Kingston dives off the top and hits a frog splash. Sheamus kicks out. Nakamura knocks Kingston off the apron. Sheamus, Nakamura, and Cesaro triple-team Kingston outside the ring. Nakamura and Co take turns working over Kingston.

Nakamura surprises Woods with a sliding German suplex for a near fall. Kingston dives off the top into a kick by Nakamura. Cesaro swings Kingston into a Kinshasa. Cesaro and Sheamus hit a white noise/ neck breaker combo. Big E hits the Big Ending on Cesaro. Big E and Woods land UpUpDownDown for the win.

Winner – The New Day

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