WWE Smackdown Results (18th Sept. 2020)

Photo Credit: WWE
WWE Smackdown Results – 18th Sept. 2020
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The Dirt Sheet
Miz says he didn’t get Mandy Rose traded to RAW to help Otis. Rose was a distraction. Now Otis can focus on cashing in his MITB. Miz says Otis should just move on because he’s sure Rose already has. Otis “runs” down to the ring and attacks Miz and Morrison. Otis clears the ring. Miz tries to escape through the crowd but Tucker tosses him back in. Otis gives Miz the Catepillar and the Vader Bomb. Otis strips down the Miz in his undies.
Backstage, Morrison says Miz shouldn’t have made Otis angry. He’s like the Hulk. You won’t like him when he’s angry. Miz pulls out his cell phone and says this is all part of the plan.
I hoping praying that you will win the belt tonight make sure you beat Bayley ass tonight make sure you throw yr chair at Bayley