WWE Smackdown Results (18th Sept. 2020)

Photo Credit: WWE
A Moment of Bliss
Alexa Bliss introduces Nikki Cross, replay is shown about Bliss going into a trance after hitting Cross with Sister Abigail, along with Cross’ roll-up win over Tamina.
Bliss congratulates Cross, asked about what Cross’ plan of attack will be, as she challenged Bayley all summer and lost. She reminds Cross that she hasn’t beaten Bayley since last year.
Cross says this time is different, because Sasha Banks won’t be there. Cross also criticizes Bayley for her brutal attack on Banks and says she will become champ at Clash of Champions.
Cross has a question for Bliss now. She asks what’s going on with her following last week. Bliss replies and says that there’s a change happening in her that she can’t control.
Lacey Evans interrupts Bliss.
Evans asks if this is Dr. Phil and mocks both women. Evans reminds Cross that when Bliss left the match last week, Evans says Cross isn’t ready for Bayley. Cross snatches Evans handkerchief and blows her nose in it. A brawl breakout on the stage.
I hoping praying that you will win the belt tonight make sure you beat Bayley ass tonight make sure you throw yr chair at Bayley