WWE Smackdown Results (20th Nov. 2020) – Daniel Bryan Returns


Photo Credit: WWE

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The New Day & The Street Profits Vs. Sami Zayn, Baron Corbin, Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode8 man Tag Team Match

Ziggler & Ford starts the match. Both men goes back & forth & tags their partners. Roode tags in & hits knee strike to Kofi’s face. Kofi hits a dropkick that knocks Roode into the corner and tags Woods for the Unicorn Stampede.

Corbin tags in, Kofi tries to hit aspringboard offense but accidentally he hits Ford & looked shocked. Ford manages to tag in Kingston, who clears the ring. Woods gets a blind tag and hits Roode with a tornado DDT.

Dawkins tags in. Ziggler tags in Zayn, Dawkins drops Zayn with a spinebuster. Ford lands the Cash Out for the victory.

Winner: The New day & Street Profits

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