WWE Smackdown Results (21st August 2020)


Photo Credit: WWE

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Big E Vs. Sheamus

Big E. and Sheamus crash into each other. The WWE Roster has surrounded the ring to guard against another RETRIBUTION attack. Sheamus clubs Big E. Big E. clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope. Sheamus rests on the ring steps. Big E. shoulder tackler Sheamus into the steps. Big E. lays Sheamus on the apron. Big E. pounds on Sheamus’ chest. Big E. splashes Sheamus on the apron.

Sheamus responds with a flying knee off the top. Ten beats of the bodhran by Sheamus. Big E. tries to fire up but Sheamus cuts him off with an Irish curse backbreaker. Big E. kicks out. The lights flicker as everyone braces for another potential Retribution attack. After the break, Sheamus walks into a uranage by Big E. Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus gets a knee up as Big E. attempts his apron spear. 

Big E almost hits the Big Ending but Sheamus escapes and lands white noise. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick. Corbin attacks Matt Riddle outside the ring. The other superstars try to break it up. Sheamus gets distracted. Big E rolls up Sheamus for the victory.

Winner: Big E

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