WWE Smackdown Results (21st August 2020)


Photo Credit: WWE

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AJ Styles (c) Vs. Jeff Hardy – Intercontinental Championship

Styles kicks Hardy in the knee. Hardy drops like a sack of bricks. Styles rips Hardy’s pant leg to expose his knee brace. Styles focuses his assault on Hardy’s knee. After the break, Hardy fires up and hits a basement dropkick for a near fall. Gord buster by Hardy. Styles kicks out. Hardy calls for the Twist of Fury. Styles counters with a Pelé kick. Both men are down. Hardy tries to go up top but Hardy’s knee gives out. Hardy hits the mat hard.

Styles sets up for the Phenomenal Forearm. Hardy counters with a punch to Styles gut. Styles rolls Hardy into the Calf Crusher. Hardy gets to the ropes. Styles tries the Styles Clash. Hardy hits Styles in the face with the knee brace. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate. Hardy goes up top and hits the Swanton for the victory.

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Jeff Hardy

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