WWE Smackdown Results (21st May 2021) – Aleister Black RETURNS!!!

Photo Credit: WWE
Reigns says he is a humble man. Reigns doesn’t want to brag on national TV. Reigns is going to let Heyman do it for him. Reigns hands the microphone to Heyman. Heyman goes on a rant about how awesome Reigns is. Heyman asks if Reigns wants anything else. Reigns says he wants his cousin. Heyman yells for someone to hit Jimmy’s music. Cesaro walks down to the ring. Cesaro challenges Reigns to a match at Hell in a Cell. Seth Rollins attacks Cesaro from behind. Rollins lands two Stomps on Cesaro, the second of which was on the metal ramp. Rollins is unhinged.
Backstage, Rollins says he blacked out and doesn’t know what he just did. The medics are wheeling Cesaro out and Rollins notices. Rollins accosts Cesaro while he is strapped to a backboard. Rollins screams at Cesaro, asking why he made him do this.