WWE Smackdown Results (27th Nov. 2020) – Owens sends a message to Reigns

Photo Credit: WWE
Kevin Owens Vs. Jey Uso
Uso tries a dive but Owens catches him and slingshots him into the ring post. Owens lands two superkicks, the second of which sends Uso over the barricade. After the break, Owens hits a senton off the apron. Owens sends Uso back into the ring. Owens walks into an arm breaker by Uso.
Uso works over Owens’ injured arm. Uso misses a hip attack in the corner. Owens kicks Uso in the head. Owens’ left arm is hanging and Owens can’t use it. Owens tries a pop-up powerbomb but his arm gives out. Uso lands a superkick for a near fall.
Uso goes up top but is kicks out of the air by Owens. Owens hits a package neck breaker for a near fall. Uso counters the Stunner by sending Owens into the turnbuckle, arm first. Uso grabs a chair and hits Owens with it to cause a disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Kevin Owens
After the match, Uso works Owens over with the chair. Reigns and Heyman watch from a monitor backstage. Uso clears the announce desk. Owens drops Uso with a Stunner.
Backstage, Reigns and Heyman do not look pleased. Owens grabs a chair and hits Uso with it over and over again. Owens talks to Reigns via a camera. Owens asks is Reigns is watching. Owens says he doesn’t fear anyone, including Reigns.
Backstage Heyman is looking at Reigns with fear in his eyes. Owens yells for Reigns to come find him if he has a problem with him. Owens Stuns Uso again. Owens sits a the head of the commentary desk. Owens says he’ll be waiting, as show goes off air.