WWE Smackdown Results (July 23rd, 2021) – Balor challenges Reigns!

Photo Credit: WWE
Backstage Corbin runs into Kevin Owens. Owens had just finished trying to help Shotzi and Nox fix the rocket launcher on their tank. Corbin apologizes to Owens. Corbin manages to guilt Owens into giving him some cash. Owens tells Corbin to not be such a prick to everyone. Owens walks away. Shotzi accidentally shoots Corbin with a rocket. Corbin drops. Ziggler and Roode run up and steals the money Owens gave him. Owens chases Ziggler and Roode off with a chair.
Edge came put with a loudest pop of the night and says he should be standing here as the Universal Champion. The only reason he isn’t is because of Seth Rollins. Edge says this all stems from when they meet many years ago. Rollins didn’t pull the trigger then and didn’t expect Edge to ever return. But Edge is back and is in Rollins’ way. Rollins has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.
Rollins interrupts. Edge tells Rollins to shut up. Rollins says Edge has been such a scumbag to him since day one. If Edge pushes Rollins, no one will ever talk about Edge’s legacy. They will only talk about how Rollins ended him. Seven years ago Rollins hesitated. Next time, Rollins will pull the trigger. Edge decks Rollins. Rollins eventually takes control. Rollins walks into an Edgecution. Edge calls for the Spear. Rollins ducks out of the ring to avoid it.