WWE Survivor Series 2020 Results – THANK YOU TAKER


Photo Credit: WWE

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Main Card:

Team RAW: AJ Styles, Keith Lee, Sheamus, Braun Strowman, and Riddle Vs. Team Smackdown: Kevin Owens, Jey Uso, King Corbin, Seth Rollins, and Otis – Men’s Traditional 5-on-5 Elimination Match

Styles & Uso starts the match & goe back & forth. Both team members tags their partners frequently. Rollins tags in, & knees down in front of Sheamus & tells him to do his job. Sheamus hits Brogue Kick on Rollins face & pins him.

Seth Rollins has been eliminated.

Team Smackdown members discusses at the ringside after Rollins elimination. Strowman runs over them. Keith Lee & Otis comes face to face. Both mens tries to overpower each other but unable to do so. Strowman tags in & beat Otis.

Styles & owens tags in & trade strikes. Owens hits stuneer to Riddle, Sheamus & Lee, Styles hits the Phenomenal forearm to eliminate Owens.

Kevin Owens has been eliminated.

Corbin hits the End of Days on Styles but Styles kicks out. Riddle tags in & hits a moonsault on Corbin.

Corbin has been eliminated.

Sheamus hits the Brogue kick to Jey Uso but Uso kicked out. Otis tags in & he is fired up, He slams every RAW members. Strowman tags in, Otis slams Strowman & hits the Caterpillar, but Strowman hits the Running powerslam.

Otis has been eliminated.

Uso hits a top rope plancha to everybody & takes them down. Lee blinds tag Styles & hits the Spirit Bomb.

Jey Uso has been eliminated.

Winner: Team RAW (No members eliminated)

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